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Denver Academy - A Common Sense Digital Certified School

Philippe Ernewein, Denver Academy Director of Education
Since DA's founding in 1972, much has changed in the educational
landscape of teaching and learning. There are also key elements and
concepts that have not changed, among them, respect and responsibility.

These are foundational to everything DA stands for. An obvious aspect of education that has evolved since 1972 is the integration and access to technology for students and teachers. For this reason, during the first quarter of the school year, DA launched the Common Sense Media curriculum. The Program Team, in partnership
with homeroom teachers, delivered lessons to all students on the topic
of digital citizenship. These lessons will continue throughout the
year. Denver Academy also recently received recognition for becoming a
Common Sense Media certified school.

We've adopted this specific curriculum because it shares the foundational principles of respect and responsibility. Through practicing critical thinking skills and learning specific strategies on how to navigate the digital landscape, these lessons and related
learnings will support our students in being thoughtful, respectful and responsible digital citizens and learners.

Check out this link to learn more about Common Sense Media and to download family guides and tips for parents.