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Newbery Medal Author Avi Returns to DA

Jolene Gutiérrez
The room is silent. Every student is sitting up, focusing on the man at the front of their classroom. Ms. Carlson’s class has been reading and listening to some of the books Avi has written, and they’re excited to meet him. He’s been writing for 60 years, has written 80 books, and has been recognized around the world for his writing, earning the coveted Newbery Award. He leans forward and tells the students, “If I were growing up today in Denver, I’d be going to this school with you.”

Avi shares some of his struggles in school, showing images of some of his assignments covered in red marks. “My English teacher said I was the worst student ever.” His teachers accused him of being sloppy and careless, and it wasn’t until years later that Avi learned that he has dysgraphia, a learning difference that causes him to struggle with his writing and spelling. “Do you think you need to be a good speller to be a good writer?” Avi asks the kids. “No!” they all shout, smiling.

Avi talks about the importance of research. He used to be a librarian and says, smiling at me, “Librarians don’t know everything, but they know how to find everything.” He says he researches words for his stories, including words used in the past, like the word delightsome, a 16th-century word that means delightful.

“I’m a professional writer, but nobody writes anything alone,” Avi tells the class. “One of the ways I get help, is I come here to this school and read my stories before they’re finished.” Avi likes reading his stories aloud because “listening is the best way to understand something.” Many of the students have been listening to Avi’s stories using Learning Ally, so they nod in agreement.
Avi has been working with Denver Academy students for the past 20 years, sharing his experiences and advice with hundreds of children. The chances to learn from this renowned author have been simply delightsome for our students!