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Physical Education: The Magical Place to Observe Behavior

Kyra Ruscio, Head of Physical Education
Students are constantly being observed, particularly those that may have learning issues. Psychologists, behavior therapists, and counselors are just a few of professionals commonly visiting schools to observe and diagnose students. Often, these professionals visit the classroom and watch the student taking in information and performing work. They may pull the student from class to administer a test or watch them work individually. One place where professionals don't often think to observe is the gymnasium. There is amazing insight which can be gained by watching students in action during physical education. This is one place where they are working with others, problemsolving, and displaying physical, kinesthetic skills. Students interact with peers uniquely, unlike anywhere else in the school.

When students arrive to physical education, there is usually a range of emotions. As we know through research, movement activates certain parts of the brain. Most physical education classes begin with a warm-up, some type of activity to get the blood pumping and the body moving immediately. Some students who may have been sitting at a desk all day "light-up." Their behavior may change once they are stimulated by exercise and to be up and out of their seats! 

This article was recently published in SHAPE Colorado. To read the full article, click here.